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Casual Games

Combat, speed, and a good eye combine in this light card game of speed and luck, which has you taking on the role of a raider or ascending to Valhalla where you can win from beyond the grave.

A new game about cats in space has been announced, Brain Games has a new dice game in the works, and Board Game Quest has published a list of their favorite games of the year.

Create a beautiful tree for your Kodama, a tree spirit; fill it with his friends, flowers, mushrooms, and caterpillars, and watch it come to life!

What’s in the box? Cowboy boots or octopus? Hard to say…but you’re being told it would make a good tattoo.

A woman dies because she was on the phone too long…can you figure out why with some careful yes or no questions?

This is an exciting month for puzzle lovers, as two escape-room-like games are currently on Kickstarter. There’s also a new Tiny Epic game, a game themed around mini-game-loving pandas, a tactical card game, and more.

A new roll-and-write designed by Reiner Knizia has been announced, the next Unlock! adventures have been revealed, and Synapses Games has announced Finding Atlantis.

Is Moriarty at it again? Can you trust Mrs. Hudson? Or perhaps Sherlock Holmes himself is the criminal this time!

Would you rather solve a murder case from 100 years ago or confirm a modern conspiracy theory? Would you rather only use technology from the year 2000 or only wear clothing from that year?

Arcane Wonders has released a new board game, a new game using the Flashback mechanics has been announced, and The Op has released Taboo: Disney Edition.
