Big Box O' Strategy Games Giveaway | Casual Game Revolution

Big Box O' Strategy Games Giveaway

Giveaway Box Strategy

This giveaway has expired. Click here to enter our latest giveaway!

Sometimes casual is not enough — if you're looking for some more meat for your gaming group, enter to win these great games in our first ever Big Box O' Strategy Games giveaway!

This giveaway includes a brand new copy of each of the following games:

  • Progress: Evolution of Technology — a card game about researching technologies and building a civilization. Each player guides his nation from the earliest signs of human development and learn various technologies, moving progressively to the Middle Ages and the Renaissance until the fist sparks of the Industrial Revolution.
  • Versailles — in this game, 2-5 players become master builders competing over the favor of King Louis XIV and the title of main architect of the legendary palace.
  • [redacted] — each player must take actions, use items, and interact with other players while in the hunt for intel. Each agent has one or more partners, and must find them — while outwitting the enemy agents.
  • Zpocalypse: Zmaster — (this is an expansion only; the base game is required for play) — Zmaster adds a fifth player to the Zpocalypse main game as the game master. The Zmaster controls new mutated zombie miniatures and uses the Deck of Doom against the human survivors.

One lucky winner will receive a brand new copy of all four games! Enter below for a chance to win, and be sure to invite your friends. (Note: our giveaways are only open to U.S. residents, age 18 or older. Why?)

Brad R
Brad R's picture

Heard great things about Versailles and Progress.  Both, and assumedly all4, would make great additions to the game group collection!  Thanks for the opportunity.

Brad R's picture

Thank you so much for this giveaway! Looks like a decent pick of strategy games... I've heard of most of these but haven't played any of them!

Casual strategy games - awesome!

pmm's picture
Member Since: 01/09/2016

Agreed, Versailles and Progress in particular have my interest.  Good luck everyone!

THVanderWall's picture
Member Since: 11/12/2012

I always look forward to receiving my quarterly issue of Casual Game Insider.  I recently download the app and have sent a query about existing subscribers using it.  I love the magazine and I love the giveaways.

Brad R's picture

Versailles - After having watched some videos, I find the multiple "rondels".  The amount of control players have over how one can navigate through the rondel options.  I like that there isn't just one rondel, but many rondels or many paths through the available options.  The tech tree is always a good addition to a game.

And speaking of tech trees - Progress!  It's all about the tech tree and looks very intriguing.

And secret agent, hidden identity, another winner.

And does one really need to say anything else other than ....Zombies.

Great offer, thanks to CGR & the sponsors.

jpropati's picture
Member Since: 01/12/2016

Just discovered Casual Gamer and so happy I did!!  I've heard about this magazine and now that I'm a subscriber, I get to enjoy the info first hand!!

Brad R's picture

Finally, a site by us, about us and for us (gamers lol) Looking forward to reading and catching up on games and news. Looks like a very promising site.

Jeremy S
Brad R's picture

I love strategy games so these should be right up my alley. Thanks for the giveaway!

Brad R's picture

We play games as a family after dinner every day, and so most of our purchases are casual, light strategy, family type games... but my husband and I would love to add a few new meatier games to our collection.  Thanks for the chance to win!

Kevin E Roof
Brad R's picture
Thanks for the opportunity, I'm really interested in [REDATCTED] especially. But all these games look great. Very interested in the magazine now as well.
Jeff Smith
Brad R's picture

It is great to have a company promoting games the way you do.   The magazine has some great information for retailers, players, and pretty much anyone into games.   I would love to add these games to our MACE Library.

Brad R's picture

I certainly hope digital boards games are not the future!

Brad R's picture

Thank you for the contest and promotion

Lucas G
Brad R's picture

What a fantastic giveaway. I would love to play every one of these games, apart from one. (But I'm sure someone I know would love to play with more zombies.)

Eric Shearer
Brad R's picture

Would love to try any of thoes games.

Tony B
Brad R's picture

Thanks for the opportunity!!!

Brad R's picture

I hadnt seen that before thanks for introducing me to something new

I love games like [redacted] where you have multiple kinds of objectives; gathering intel, making a getaway, making it harder for everyone else to meet their goals. Those are the kinds of games that are awesome at parties, and I love having board game nights! And Progress sounds really great, too—I've been looking for more strategic card games that don't take up much space, as they're good for bringing along on weekend trips (Boss Monster and Guillotine are two of my favorite examples).

Brad R's picture

I've had [redacted] on my wish list for a long time. Would be great to finally mark it off!

Fairway 3 Games
Brad R's picture

I have been looking at Progress for a long while. As a patent attorney, those sorts of games always picque my curiosity.

Brad R's picture

Thanks for running the contest!

Ryan B.
Brad R's picture

Thanks for a great giveaway!

Josh Willhite
Brad R's picture

Thank you really for the contest. It's a really cool aspect of the hobby, a lot of generosity from the community across the board, everyone trying to spread the joy of gaming.

WOW, who wouldn't love to win some amazing games?!

Brad R's picture

Thank you so much for offering this contest, it is very generous of you! Four awesome games - wow, the winner will certainly be happy!

Hank P.
Brad R's picture

Thanks for running such a generous contest!  Fingers crossed!

Terri Bass
Brad R's picture

Great games, I love having friends get together for games - so many things are electronic this, digital that. Board and card games are for more than power outages - thanks!


Seth Hale
Brad R's picture

Thanks so much for the contest!  I'm always appreciative of giveaways and new board gaming content I was unaware existed.  Awesome!

Thomas A
Brad R's picture

So many great games from my whishlist :D Thanks for the contest, glad to found your site!

Shasta Brewer
Brad R's picture

Interesting article on Board Game Myths.  Thanks for the giveaway!


Dominic Ford
Brad R's picture

This looks like an awesome giveaway! Thanks!

Wayne Sklow
Brad R's picture

Would love to win this!!!

Brad R's picture

I love Casual Game insider and had it on my wishlist for christmas. My husband got a subscription for me!! Woooohooo

I would love to win these games, I play games alot and love to learn and teach new ones. Oh i do hope i win!!!

Brad R's picture

Of all the game contest / giveaways I've entered, this is one of them.

Brad R's picture
Thank you for running this contest. These games look exciting.
Brad R's picture

Good luck everyone. Watch out for those [redacted] zombies!

Brad R's picture

An expansion, as part of a package of other games and without the base game, seems likely to go to waste.  OTOH, free!  Thanks.

Jeff Briggs
Brad R's picture

Have wanted to try Redacted

Jonathan Perez
Brad R's picture

Thanks for making these games available for the contest!

Brad R's picture

Thanks for the giveaway! The strategy game box is much more up my alley!

Chris Lewis
Brad R's picture

Thank you for the great contest!

Brad R's picture

I'm really excited about this giveaway! You guys are doing a great job.

Joseph Peterson
Brad R's picture

Fingers crossed!  Thanks!  :)

Alex Ponce
Brad R's picture

Really excited about this contest. Some great games I'm excited to learn and play! 


Jason Lees
Brad R's picture
I'm super excited about each of these games! I've been wanting to try Versailles since it was announced! Good luck everyone!
Brad R's picture

thanks for chance to win

Brad R's picture

I would love to win some games!

Brad R's picture
What a great looking set of games. I don't think the local game club has any of them. Can't wait to experience them!
Brad R's picture

Great site, just found it!
